This afternoon I took the memory of that line off to Cally's Teas, a place I have not had much recent time to sit in and just relax and let the words happen. I started in with that memory, and this is what came out:
From the top of the tree
is no thought of the ground
No fear of falling in the cuddle
of gently swaying limbs of last resort
The climb not from, but to
once done is gone, past concern
What matters is the up here and
the out there, rarefied
Solitude, alone with the heights
keeping private company with
Which evolved by July 23 into:
Gently swaying limbs of last
resort fold around, cuddle,
erase thoughts of solid ground.
No longer in transition,
no fear of falling from the top
of a climb accomplished, alone,
waiting for the tree to grow, gradually
sprout the next inviting step?
Or whispering, "Feathers. Feathers. Feathers"?
Which evolved by July 23 into:
Gently swaying limbs of last
resort fold around, cuddle,
erase thoughts of solid ground.
No longer in transition,
no fear of falling from the top
of a climb accomplished, alone,
waiting for the tree to grow, gradually
sprout the next inviting step?
Or whispering, "Feathers. Feathers. Feathers"?
So imagine my surprise tuning in to Shawna Lemay's blog site, CALM THINGS, and finding her quoting this:
When from our better selves we have too long
Been parted by the hurrying world, and droop,
Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired,
How gracious, how benign, is Solitude.
- William Wordsworth, from The Prelude
I was waiting at Cally's for someone to ask for a poem on a topic of personal interest--and I got a reassuring request from a regular, asking me to write about the surprise one feels after being in a loving relationship for fifty years, having it end in the death of her partner, then finding that she can get that feeling again, with another, even so late in life. I wrote it for her, and for her only.
Then I picked up a line from Sheila Watson's Paris Diary, about a day walking the streets and not conversing with the gargoyles. Again, an image to conjure with. This came out of the hat:
I did not have time
to chat with the gargoyles
on sunny days dark, mad-eyed
crouching witnesses to the passing
scene of busy feet going…
... God knows where,
on rainy days grim, spitting
trouble-makers focusing
random drops from above
into malicious streams of cold
discomfort down unsuccessfully
turned collars below.
What took my time
from chat? Who can recall?
The gargoyles never cared to ask
and my mind wandered.